Create Online Multiplayer Game in Unity (Netcode,Relay,Lobby)

Create Online Multiplayer Game in Unity (Netcode,Relay,Lobby)


Kategori : Tutorial
Kode : TIWE4505
Size : 4.18 GB
Media : Download
Harga : Rp.38.000,-
Status :
Isi Folder / Files :

0. Intro.mp4
1. Single Player Game Overview.mp4
1.1 2D Multiplayer - Start Project
10. Creating Main Menu and Adjusting the Start Manager.mp4
11. Multiplayer Loading Manager.mp4
12. Creating Connection Manager + Network Singleton.mp4
13. Adjusting the Player Character Scene UI for Multiplayer.mp4
14. Adjusting the Character Selection Manager for Multiplayer.mp4
15. Character Selection Manager - Set Playable & Non Playable Character.mp4
16. Character Selection Manager- Handling Player Connection.mp4
17. Character Selection Manager Review.mp4
18. Player Characte Selection script (Using Network Variable).mp4
19. Setting Refernces in the Inspector and Testing the Character Selection Scene.mp4
2. Installing Netcode for Gameobject.mp4
20. Fixing Character Selection Manager Bugs.mp4
21. Preparing Game Play Scene - Game Play Manager.mp4
22. Adding Death UI and Logic.mp4
23. Handling the Player Connection in the Game Player Manager.mp4
24. Adjusting the Player UI script for Multiplayer.mp4
25. Modifying the Player Ship Controller for Multiplayer.mp4
26. Changing the player spawn position.mp4
27. Adjusting the Powerup Spawner for Multiplayer.mp4
28. PowerUP UI and Collection logic.mp4
29. Using the Shield Power Up in Multiplayer game.mp4
3. Instantiating the player over the network.mp4
30. Enemy Spawner- Spawn Boss.mp4
31. Developing the Boss Controller for Multiplayer.mp4
32. 32- Boss Death State for Multiplayer.mp4
33. Modifying the Boss Prfab for Multiplayer.mp4
34. The Boss Homing Missile and Bullets.mp4
35. The Boss Health and UI.mp4
36. Fixing the player health 0 value issue.mp4
37. Fixing all the errors related to spawning the Boss.mp4
38. Defeat Scene Adjustments for MultiPlayer.mp4
39. Developing the End Scene Manager for Multiplayer.mp4
4. Giving Ownership and Syncing Movement.mp4
40. Adjusting the Player Ship Score and Panel Prefab.mp4
41. Using Relay to Make the Game Work Online.mp4
42. Create Relay Function.mp4
43. 43- Join Relay Function.mp4
44. 44- Using Relay Transport.mp4
45. 45- Installing Lobby Package and Signing In.mp4
46. 46- Create Lobby Function.mp4
47. 47- List Lobbies Function.mp4
48. 48- Keep the lobby alive with heartbeat.mp4
49. 49- Query Filter and Order.mp4
5. Spawning Game Object on the Network.mp4
50. 50- Join Lobby Function.mp4
51. 51- Quick Join Function.mp4
52. 52- Lobby Data & Player Name-.mp4
53. 53- Update Lobby Date (Player Name).mp4
54. 54- Syncing Lobby Changes.mp4
55. 55- Leave Lobby Function.mp4
56. 56- Lobbies List UI and Lobbies List UI Script.mp4
57. 57- Lobby UI and Lobby UI Script.mp4
58. 58- Implementing the Lobby UI for the Lobby Host.mp4
59. 59- Implementing Join Lobby Mechanics.mp4
6. 6- Despawning Game Object from the Network.mp4
60. 60- Implementing leave lobby mechanic.mp4
61. 61- Linking Relay With Lobby to Start the Game.mp4
62. 62- Fixing Bugs and Testing the Game.mp4
62.1 2D Multiplayer - Final Project
7. Enemy Spawner - Meteor.mp4
8. Enemy Spawner- Enemy 1 - Ghost Ship.mp4
9. Enemy Spawner - Enemy 2 - Shooter Ship.mp4

Keywords : No