Unity Bootcamp 3D Game Development 2023
Isi Folder / Files :
1 - Unity Bootcamp 3D Game Development .mp4
10 - Manipulating Game Objects.mp4
100 - Disabling Serialization .mp4
101 - Custom Gizmos.mp4
102 - Moving Agents by Destination.mp4
103 - Introduction to the State Pattern .mp4
104 - Creating a Base State .mp4
105 - Setting a Default State .mp4
106 - Creating a Return State .mp4
107 - Creating a Chase State .mp4
108 - Transitioning Between States.mp4
109 - Exercise Creating an Attack State .mp4
11 - Exercise Creating a Robot.mp4
110 - Stopping the Agent .mp4
111 - Creating a Patrol Enemy .mp4
112 - Installing the Splines Package .mp4
113 - Adding Knots .mp4
114 - Adding Curved Knots .mp4
115 - Closing Knots .mp4
116 - Serializing Private Fields .mp4
117 - Moving Enemies to the Path .mp4
118 - Checking for a Missing Path .mp4
119 - Creating a Patrol State.mp4
12 - Understanding Component Composition .mp4
120 - Verifying an Agent Reaching their Destination .mp4
121 - Calculating the Next Position .mp4
122 - Moving the Enemy on the Spline .mp4
123 - Grabbing the Spline Length .mp4
124 - Adjusting the Patrol Speed.mp4
125 - Pausing the Enemy on Patrols .mp4
126 - Toggling the Enemy's Patrol.mp4
127 - Extracting Models .mp4
128 - What is a Scriptable Object .mp4
129 - Creating a Scriptable Object .mp4
13 - The Transform Component .mp4
130 - Configuring the Character's Stats .mp4
131 - Loading Enemy and Player Stats.mp4
132 - Applying Stats.mp4
133 - Updating the Speed.mp4
134 - Updating Character Models .mp4
135 - Rotating Enemies Toward the Player.mp4
136 - Rotating Enemies Toward their Return Position .mp4
137 - Rotating Patrolling Enemies .mp4
138 - Rotating Enemy to Original Rotation .mp4
139 - Disabling an Agent's Rotation .mp4
14 - Applying Materials .mp4
140 - Adding a Treasure Chest .mp4
141 - Adding a Nav Mesh Obstacle.mp4
142 - Creating an Animation Clip .mp4
143 - Adding Keyframes .mp4
144 - Understanding the Animator Controller .mp4
145 - Adding an Idle State.mp4
146 - Animator Controller Parameters .mp4
147 - Adding a Box Collider .mp4
148 - Adding a Rigid Body .mp4
149 - Listening to Key Presses .mp4
15 - Exercise Materials .mp4
150 - Updating Parameters on Animator Controllers .mp4
151 - Applying an Avatar Definition .mp4
152 - Preparing the Animator Controller .mp4
153 - Adding a Blend Tree .mp4
154 - Grabbing Components in Child Objects.mp4
155 - Checking the Callback Action .mp4
156 - Updating the Animator Speed.mp4
157 - Smoothening the Animator Speed .mp4
158 - Exercise Using Constants for Animator Parameters .mp4
159 - Looping Animations from Models .mp4
16 - Parent and Children Objects.mp4
160 - Adding Animation to Enemies .mp4
161 - Updating the Movement Speed of Enemies .mp4
162 - Custom Clamping .mp4
163 - Custom Tags .mp4
164 - Exercise Imposter Syndrome .mp4
165 - Trigger Parameters .mp4
166 - Setting a Trigger .mp4
167 - Custom Animation Events .mp4
168 - Bubbling Events .mp4
169 - Empty Lambda Expressions.mp4
17 - Prefabs .mp4
170 - Capturing Bubbled Events .mp4
171 - The Event Keyword .mp4
172 - Preventing the Excessive Attacks .mp4
173 - Removing Event Handlers .mp4
174 - Exercise Custom Hit Bubble Event .mp4
175 - Understanding Arrays .mp4
176 - Box Ray Casts .mp4
177 - Looping through Arrays .mp4
178 - Refining the Results .mp4
179 - Reducing Health Points.mp4
18 - Final Tips and Tricks .mp4
180 - Stopping the Enemies Animation .mp4
181 - Attacking the Player.mp4
182 - Looking at the Player .mp4
183 - Canceling the Attack .mp4
184 - Adding a Defeat Animation .mp4
185 - Handling the Player's Defeat .mp4
186 - Exercise Tracking a Character's Defeated State .mp4
187 - Destroying Game Objects .mp4
188 - Checking the Player is Alive .mp4
189 - Handling the Enemy's Defeat .mp4
19 - Importing Unity Package Files .mp4
190 - Creating a Custom Scene .mp4
191 - Creating a UI Document .mp4
192 - Using a Visual Element.mp4
193 - Adding Text .mp4
194 - Unity Stylesheets .mp4
195 - Exercise Extracting Text Styles.mp4
196 - Custom Fonts.mp4
197 - Centering Elements .mp4
198 - Adding Buttons .mp4
199 - Adding an Image .mp4
2 - What Are We Creating.mp4
20 - Model File Formats .mp4
200 - UI Document Game Object.mp4
201 - Exercise Binding UI Actions .mp4
202 - UI Base State .mp4
203 - Main Menu State .mp4
204 - Retrieving the Root Visual Element .mp4
205 - Understanding Lists .mp4
206 - Querying a List of Buttons .mp4
207 - Exercise Handling Interaction Events .mp4
208 - Handling the Selection .mp4
209 - UI Navigation .mp4
21 - Model Prefabs .mp4
210 - Ternary Operator .mp4
211 - Toggling Classes .mp4
212 - Scene Transition.mp4
213 - Creating the Player Info UI .mp4
214 - Loading the UI in Another Scene .mp4
215 - Toggling the UI's Display .mp4
216 - Observer Pattern .mp4
217 - Creating an Event Manager .mp4
218 - Null Conditional Operator .mp4
219 - Sending Data with Events .mp4
22 - Installing Packages with the Package Manager .mp4
220 - Updating the Health Label.mp4
221 - Healing the Player .mp4
222 - Exercise Updating the Potion Count UI.mp4
223 - Adding a Canvas .mp4
224 - Adding the Health Bar Image.mp4
225 - Slider Component .mp4
226 - Dynamically Updating the Slider .mp4
227 - Adding the Health Bar to the Enemy .mp4
228 - Creating a Billboard .mp4
229 - Installing Ink .mp4
23 - Creating a 3D Tilemap.mp4
230 - Writing a Story .mp4
231 - Exercise Adding More Knots .mp4
232 - Adding Multiple Choice .mp4
233 - Adding the NPC .mp4
234 - Toggling a Dialogue Icon .mp4
235 - Handling NPC Interaction .mp4
236 - Loading a Story .mp4
237 - Creating the Dialogue UI .mp4
238 - Dialogue UI State .mp4
239 - Exercise Entering the Dialogue State .mp4
24 - Changing the Materials on a Model .mp4
240 - Type Casting .mp4
241 - Displaying a Story's Text .mp4
242 - Switching Action Maps .mp4
243 - Continuing the Story .mp4
244 - Checking Story Choices .mp4
245 - Clearing Lists .mp4
246 - Looping through Lists with the ForEach Method .mp4
247 - Dynamically Creating Elements .mp4
248 - Setting the Active Choice .mp4
249 - Selecting a Choice .mp4
25 - Extracting Materials from a Model .mp4
250 - Exiting the Dialogue .mp4
251 - Fixing a Few Bugs .mp4
252 - Creating a Quest Item UI .mp4
253 - Preparing the Quest Item State .mp4
254 - Exercise Entering the Quest Item State.mp4
255 - Using Scriptable Objects for Quest Items.mp4
256 - Adding Tooltips.mp4
257 - Updating the UI Label .mp4
258 - Pausing Enemy Attacks .mp4
259 - Storing the Quest Item .mp4
26 - Adding an Offset to a Brush.mp4
260 - Displaying the Quest Item .mp4
261 - Configuring the NPC's Quest Item.mp4
262 - Binding External Functions .mp4
263 - Passing on the NPC .mp4
264 - Initiating the Quest Item Verification .mp4
265 - Checking the Player's Inventory .mp4
266 - Story Variables and Conditional Statements .mp4
267 - Manually Diverting Stories .mp4
268 - Creating a Reward Scriptable Object .mp4
269 - Understanding Enums.mp4
27 - Exercise Installing the Polybrush Package .mp4
270 - Creating an Enum .mp4
271 - Creating a Reward Component.mp4
272 - Sending the Reward .mp4
273 - Applying Rewards .mp4
274 - Adding the Weapon's Model .mp4
275 - Setting Active Game Objects .mp4
276 - Creating the Dungeon Scene .mp4
277 - Finishing the Dungeon Scene .mp4
278 - Creating a Portal .mp4
279 - Setting the Spawn Point .mp4
28 - Painting Models with a Polybrush .mp4
280 - Detecting the Player with Triggers .mp4
281 - Teleporting to the Next Scene .mp4
282 - Adding a Portal Event .mp4
283 - Understanding PlayerPrefs.mp4
284 - Using PlayerPrefs .mp4
285 - Checking for Saved Data .mp4
286 - Retrieving Saved Data.mp4
287 - Dynamically Adding a New Button .mp4
288 - Loading the Correct Scene .mp4
289 - Deleting PlayerPrefs.mp4
29 - Custom Icons for Game Objects .mp4
290 - Warping an Agent .mp4
291 - Creating Enemy IDs .mp4
292 - Converting an Array to a List .mp4
293 - Checking for Defeated Enemies .mp4
294 - Joining Strings .mp4
295 - Splitting Strings .mp4
296 - Fixing the List .mp4
297 - Despawning Enemies .mp4
298 - Saving the Player's Quest Items .mp4
299 - Checking for Quest Items .mp4
3 - What is Unity.mp4
30 - Exercise Drawing More Tilemaps .mp4
300 - Stopping the Quest Item State .mp4
301 - Checking the NPCs for Quest Items .mp4
302 - Updating NPCs with Quest Items .mp4
303 - Camera Priority .mp4
304 - Adding Virtual Cameras .mp4
305 - Creating a Sequence.mp4
306 - Camera Dolly .mp4
307 - Animating the Camera Dolly .mp4
308 - Creating a Cinematic Trigger .mp4
309 - Playing Sequences .mp4
31 - Exercise Adding a Slope .mp4
310 - Playable Director Events .mp4
311 - Stopping Player Movement .mp4
312 - Toggling Booleans .mp4
313 - Adding the Enemy Boss .mp4
314 - Exercise Creating a Cutscene .mp4
315 - Custom Awake Behavior .mp4
316 - Audio Components .mp4
317 - Finding Audio .mp4
318 - Adding an Audio Clip .mp4
319 - Playing an Audio Clip .mp4
32 - Rotating Tiles .mp4
320 - Attack Sound Effect .mp4
321 - Attack Audio Event .mp4
322 - Treasure Chest Sound Effect .mp4
323 - Exercise Reward Sound Effect .mp4
324 - Creating a Victor or Game Over UI .mp4
325 - Displaying the Victor or Game Over UI .mp4
326 - Storing Audio Clips .mp4
327 - Playing Audio for Game Completion .mp4
328 - Looping Audio .mp4
329 - Understanding Enumerators .mp4
33 - Exercise Rotating Corner Tiles.mp4
330 - Using IEnumerator .mp4
331 - Fading Out Audio .mp4
332 - Adding Weapons to Enemies .mp4
333 - Adding Pause States .mp4
334 - Toggling Pause Statess .mp4
335 - Preventing the Player from Pausing.mp4
336 - Setting the Time Scale .mp4
337 - Adding a Dirt Path .mp4
338 - Updating our Maps .mp4
339 - Baking the Navigation Mesh .mp4
34 - Where to Find Game Assets .mp4
340 - Adding an Ocean Plane .mp4
341 - Updating the Main Menu Scene .mp4
342 - Rotating the Camera Around a Point .mp4
343 - Skyboxes.mp4
344 - Supporting Additional Input Devices .mp4
345 - WebGL Builds .mp4
346 - Publishing to Itch.io.mp4
347 - Thank You!.mp4
35 - What is C# .mp4
36 - Installing Visual Studio Code .mp4
37 - Configuring Visual Studio Code .mp4
38 - Creating a C# File .mp4
39 - Understanding Namespaces .mp4
4 - Installing Unity .mp4
40 - Creating a Namespace .mp4
41 - What are Objects.mp4
42 - Creating Classes .mp4
43 - Understanding Variables .mp4
44 - Defining Variables .mp4
45 - Comments.mp4
46 - Constructor Methods .mp4
47 - Access Modifiers .mp4
48 - Inheritance Basics.mp4
49 - Using Namespaces .mp4
5 - Creating a New Project .mp4
50 - Adding Classes as Components to Game Objects.mp4
51 - Custom Methods .mp4
52 - Parameters .mp4
53 - Return Values .mp4
54 - Control Flow .mp4
55 - Debug Class .mp4
56 - Generics .mp4
57 - Attributes .mp4
58 - Auto Formatting Code .mp4
59 - Exploring the C# Documentation .mp4
6 - Custom Layouts .mp4
60 - Installing the Input System Package .mp4
61 - Understanding Actions and Action Maps .mp4
62 - Creating Actions and Action Maps .mp4
63 - Exercise Creating a UI Action Map .mp4
64 - Setting the Action Type .mp4
65 - Adding Bindings .mp4
66 - Composite Bindings .mp4
67 - Separation of Concerns .mp4
68 - Event Handlers .mp4
69 - Adding a Game Manager .mp4
7 - Default Windows Overview .mp4
70 - Adding the Player Input Component.mp4
71 - Baking a Navigation Mesh .mp4
72 - Adjusting the Agent Size .mp4
73 - Adding Non-Walkable Areas .mp4
74 - The Navigation Mesh Agent Component .mp4
75 - Reading the Callback Context .mp4
76 - Storing the Movement Vector.mp4
77 - Grabbing a Component.mp4
78 - Moving an Agent .mp4
79 - Following the Player with a Camera .mp4
8 - Understanding Game Objects .mp4
80 - Framerate Independence .mp4
81 - Using the Agent Speed .mp4
82 - Understanding Quaternion.mp4
83 - Vector Zero.mp4
84 - Linear Interpolation .mp4
85 - Component Catching and Organizing Code .mp4
86 - Exploring the Unity Documentation.mp4
87 - Creating Instances .mp4
88 - Static Modifier.mp4
89 - Understanding Abstract Classes .mp4
9 - Moving Around the Scene.mp4
90 - Using an Abstract Class .mp4
91 - Using Abstract Classes as Types.mp4
92 - Base Constructor Methods .mp4
93 - Prefab Variants .mp4
94 - Requiring Components .mp4
95 - Creating a Controller .mp4
96 - Serializing Fields .mp4
97 - Tags .mp4
98 - Using Constants.mp4
99 - Calculating Distance with Vectors .mp4
Keywords : No