Complete Godot 4 Game Developer 2D Online Course

Isi Folder / Files :
1. Introduction & Setup - 1. Welcome To The Course.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 10. Nodes & Scenes.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 10.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 11. Rigidbody2D & Collision Shapes.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 11.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 12. Instancing Scenes.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 12.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 13. Editing Instances.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 13.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 14. Parent & Child Relationship.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 14.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 15. Draw Order & Z Index.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 15.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 16. Intro To Scripting.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 16.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 17. Functions & Printing Text.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 17.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 18. Number Operations & More Printing.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 18.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 19. Introducing Variables.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 19.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 2. Downloading Godot.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 2.1 Download Godot.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 20. Function ParametersArguments.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 20.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 21. Vector2 & apply_impulse( ).mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 21.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 22. Processing & apply_force( ).mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 22.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 23. If Statement & Comparison Operators.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 23.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 24. Getting Input.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 24.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 25. Variable Scope.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 25.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 26. Function Return Values.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 26.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 27. Following The Player With Camera2D.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 27.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 28. Making The Maze.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 28.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 29. Using Signals To Reset The Game.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 29.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 3. Create A Project.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 30. Parallax Background & Text Labels.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 30.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 31. Wrap Up - Speedy Saucer.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 32. Section Intro - Alien Attack.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 33. Project Setup & Player Scene.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 33.1
1. Introduction & Setup - 33.2 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 34. Player Movement.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 34.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 35. Clamping Players Position.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 35.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 36. Rocket Scene & Movement.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 36.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 37. Understanding Delta Time.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 37.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 38. Shooting Rockets.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 38.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 39. Creating References To Nodes.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 39.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 4. Exploring Godot’s Interface.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 40. Deleting Unwanted Rockets.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 40.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 41. Enemy Scene & Movement.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 41.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 42. Enemy Spawner Scene.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 42.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 43. Spawn Enemy Function.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 43.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 44. Shooting Enemies & Collision Layers.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 44.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 45. Enemy Deathzone.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 45.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 46. Lives & Custom Signals.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 46.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 47. Scoring & Enemy Died Signal.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 47.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 48. Score UI.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 48.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 49. Lives UI.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 49.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 5. More Interface Exploration.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 50. Game Over Screen.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 50.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 51. Adding Sound Effects.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 51.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 52. Flame Particle Effect.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 52.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 53. Path Enemy.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 53.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 54. Adding Path Enemy To The Spawner.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 54.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 55. Wrap Up - Alien Attack.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 6. Community & Support.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 6.1 Chrome Live Captions.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 6.2 Blender Facebook Group.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 6.3 Blog.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 6.4 Community Forum.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 6.5 on Discord.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 6.6 on Twitter.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 6.7 on YouTube (Livecasts).html
1. Introduction & Setup - 7. Accessing Our Projects.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 8. Section Intro - Speedy Saucer.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 9. Project Setup.mp4
1. Introduction & Setup - 9.1 - Space Shooter Redux.html
1. Introduction & Setup - 9.2
1. Introduction & Setup - 9.3 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 1. Section Intro - Martian Mike.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 10. Animation Player.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 10.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 11. Arrays & Groups.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 11.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 12. The For Loop.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 12.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 13. Tilemap Basics.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 13.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 14. Tilemap Terrains (Autotile).mp4
2. Martian Mike - 14.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 15. Scrolling Background.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 15.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 16. Start Area.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 16.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 17. Exit Area.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 17.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 18. Changing Scenes.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 18.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 19. More Levels.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 19.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 2. Project Setup - Martian Mike.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 2.1
2. Martian Mike - 2.2 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 20. Level Timer.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 20.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 21. Timer HUD.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 21.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 22. Win Screen.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 22.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 23. Start Menu.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 23.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 24. Level Design.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 24.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 25. Autoloads (Singleton Pattern).mp4
2. Martian Mike - 25.1
2. Martian Mike - 25.2 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 26. One-Time Sound Effects.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 26.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 27. Wrap Up - Martian Mike.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 3. Animated Sprites.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 3.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 4. Player Movement.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 4.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 5. Boolean Operators.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 5.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 6. Updating Animations.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 6.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 7. Deathzone.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 7.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 8. Jump Pad.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 8.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
2. Martian Mike - 9. Traps.mp4
2. Martian Mike - 9.1 This Lecture's Project Changes.html
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